A Cumbrian animals' charity has shared an 'amazing' update on the journey of young dog Thomas who is now looking forward to an 'active and pain-free life'.

Oak Tree Animals' Charity, which is located at Wethral Shields, shared the update on Thomas who at a young age has been forced to undergo several surgeries which were funded by the charity's supporters and wider community via JustGiving. 

Thomas has also found himself in a loving family who have supported his recovery. 

Caroline Yon is the head of animal welfare at Oak Tree Animals' Charity and expressed her delight at the positive outcome of Thomas' story following the dog's multiple surgeries.

She said: "Thomas’ journey has been an excellent example of community support, expert veterinary surgery, and the dedication of Thomas’ new owners.

"Thomas has dealt with his surgeries amazingly well and his rehabilitation has been almost textbook.   

"Without the surgeries he would have faced lifelong chronic pain which would have been an awful prospect for such a young dog. 

"Now he can look forward to an active and pain-free life."

After being initially taken in by a foster family, Thomas was officially adopted by Angie and Steve Green on Friday, July 12, with the pair reflecting on their canine companion's journey from extensive surgery to 'remarkable recovery' 

They said: "He has had femoral head excisions on both hips to combat the dysplasia and we’re very pleased to say he’s made a remarkable recovery.

"It’s less than three months since the second surgery and he’s no longer on any pain medication at all.

"His absolute favourite thing is running."

For Caroline, Thomas's journey and the care that has been provided by his new family is the perfect example of the support that foster families provide the charity, and she highlighted the positive impact that local animal lovers can have on their rescued furry friends.

She said: "All of our fosterers are amazing, and we couldn’t help the numbers of animals that we do without their assistance. 

"Thomas’ case highlights how lucky we are to have such wonderful people giving up their time to help animals in need."