A POPULAR village carnival was a 'great day' for the hundreds who participated -lining the streets to cheer on the many acts and performers who came out for the special day.

Broughton Children's Carnival took place on Saturday, July 20 with hundreds taking to the streets of the village to cheer on the over 200 children and other participants around the route.

Gypsy Queen Lily Skye JohnsonGypsy Queen Lily Skye Johnson (Image: Supplied)

The carnival committee said they were lucky to have both Mossley Brass Band and Glencorse Pipe Band taking part in the annual event.

This years queens were Emma Fisher, Miss Broughton; Esme Little, Carnival Queen; Lily Skye Johnson-Gypsy Queen and Lottie Henrietta Pike, Snow Queen.

Snow Queen Lottie Henrietta PikeSnow Queen Lottie Henrietta Pike (Image: Supplied)

Although the carnival committee do not judge any of the queens who take part in the event or have any judging category, the ‘Entertainment en Route’ section of the procession is judged, this year the section was won by the Sun Dial entry entitled “The Real Browton Queens’.

Anne Davis, Secretary of the Broughton Children's Carnival said: "It went really well, really really well, we are so pleased, if the rain had have held off for an extra five minutes at the end that would have been perfect.

Carnival Queen Esme Little Carnival Queen Esme Little (Image: Supplied)

"It's great (the atmosphere) because so many people come and watch, the whole route is lined there are hundreds and hundreds of people come out and watch, it's a really good atmosphere.

"It brings the community together and it's important for places to have things like this other wise they are like everywhere else, these kind of events make places what they are.

"People that were born and brought up with it (the carnival), it is a really big and important day."

Glencorse Pipe BandGlencorse Pipe Band (Image: Supplied)

The carnival will return next year, with the carnival committee set to hold their AGM and release further details later this year.

The carnival committee extended their thanks to everyone who took part, everyone who watched the procession and also to anyone who helped in any way.

READ MORE: Popular Broughton carnival draws big summer crowds | News and Star