PUPILS from a West Cumbrian secondary school were honoured at an annual prize giving evening earlier this month.

Over 100 pupils from the Netherhall Secondary School in Maryport were handed awards at the annual prize evening to celebrate achievements in all aspects of education including sport, service and community involvement.

Hundreds of parents and pupils gathered at the school with the schools head teacher expressing a 'huge well done' to all of the winners.

Some of the award winners on the evening were: 

  • Jackie Oakes Memorial Award for Community Sport Involvement: Kassidy Henderson
  • Maryport Town Council Award for Service to the School: Olivia Bigrigg
  • Chair of Governors Award Chair of Governors for General Excellence Year 13: Abi Cross
  • Maryport Town Council Award Headteachers Award: Callum Todd
  • Leisa Fearon Award: Head Boy 2023/24 Lewis Moore
  • Dobies Charitable Trust Award: Head Girl 2023/24 Abbie Armstrong
  • Dick Scraggs Award: Deputy Head Boy 2023/24 Max Nealy
  • Maryport Storage Award: Deputy Head Girl 2023/24 Tilly Joy

The Rachel Rayson Memorial Bursary went to Olivia Tubman and the June Peggs Memorial Fund went to Euan McEwan.

Head teacher Dave Tromans said: "A huge well done to all of our award winners, who lead by example and through their actions show what is possible when you are kind, honest and always endeavour to try your best."

READ MORE: Maryport school leaver has never had a single day off from schooling | Times and Star