A PREVIOUSLY banned motorist who had an expired driving licence gave her daughter’s details after being stopped by police.

Catherine Jenkinson, 47, was driving a Fiat Fiorino in a ‘suspicious manner’ on the A66 at Brigham at 12.30am on July 7, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the defendant was ‘hesitating’ to pull out of the junction and then turned off on to a single track road.

She provided her daughter’s details and officers suspected she may have provided false information. Checks revealed that she was an expired driving licence holder following a previous disqualification.

Ms Fee said the defendant was arrested 24 minutes after being stopped by officers and time had been wasted.

Jenkinson, of Sullart Street, Cockermouth, was last before the court in 2021 for failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

John Cooper, defending, said: “As far as the obstruction is concerned, it’s not the most sophisticated. Her daughter is 29. I don’t think it would have held them up for that long.

“Police took 20 minutes before challenging her. It’s giving the wrong name at the roadside.”

Jenkinson pleaded guilty to using a motor vehicle without insurance, driving a motor vehicle otherwise than in accordance with a licence and obstructing a constable in execution of duty.

Eight points were added to the defendant’s driving licence. She was fined £140 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £56 victim surcharge.