Residents have returned to their homes after being evacuated by police yesterday (July 24).

A number of homes in Longtown, north of Carlisle, were evacuated as a precaution following the discovery of a suspicious item within a property.

Officers executed a warrant at a property on Burn Street yesterday morning as part of an investigation into information that there may be chemicals in the property.

During their enquiries, officers located what they called a 'suspicious item' and contacted the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) for their assessment.

A multi-agency operation then was employed in response to this incident, and a 50m cordon was put in place.

Longtown Community Centre was made available for those who were evacuated during that time.

It wasn't believed that there was any immediate threat to the wider public but the evacuation was a 'precautionary measure' while they awaited a confirmation of what the item was by the EOD, police said last night.

A 33-year-old man was later arrested on suspicion of making an explosive substance and being concerned in the supply of drugs.

He remains in police custody for questioning. 

Detective Superintendent Dan St Quentin from Cumbria Constabulary said in a statement at around 10pm last night: “I am pleased to confirm that residents from the Burn Street area can now return to their homes.

“I would like to thank all of those who had to leave their homes for the patience they have shown throughout.

"We acknowledge the inconvenience it causes when you cannot stay in your own home, however our priority was and always will be the safety of all residents.
“I would like to thank the EOD for their thorough assessment and all the agencies involved in this response for the work they have done to support those affected.”