Cumbrian students have raised more than £1000 for Hospice at Home, thanks to their annual charity week.

With the rise in demand for hospice care at home and within the community, coupled with the rise in cost of living, charities like Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland often rely heavily on the community to support them.

Covering a 1,500 square mile radius, Hospice at Home looks to provide free care and support for patients and their families or carers, within the home. They are able to provide treatment at home which in turn can help relieve pressure on local hospital by supporting the prevention and admission to hospital and supporting discharges home.

Currently a staggering 85% of funding comes from fundraising and donations from generous individuals and business within the local area.

This month, Hospice at Home welcomed students from The Nelson Thomlinson School from Wigton. This was to give thanks as the Sixth Form students had raised £1,375.54 from their annual Charity Week.

Students had a variety of money-making events on offer: an American diner, bingo, teacher’s tuck, leg waxing, Mario Kart challenge, French cafe, a live lounge offering music and singing, personalised water bottles, rowing competition, the annual Charity Challenge run, tombola’s, plus numerous cake sales.

Sixth form head and assistant head, Emma Lovegrove and Gemma Cole-Priddle, said: "We are always proud of our students, especially during Charity Challenge Week. The week is organised and executed completely by them and it shows our young people at their best, doing something for others. The total amount raised by Charity Challenge Week over the years is over £30,000."

Debbie McKenna (Hospice at Home CEO) said: "It’s absolutely fantastic to have the support of such young people. We are there to help those in our community and for these enthusiastic students to use their talents in such a way, to raise this amount of money is really humbling. They have a bright future and we are so grateful to be beneficiaries of their altruist spirit."

The amount the charity needs to raise in this financial year is £2.2 million pounds.