Carlisle Villa Amateur Boxing Club’s annual awards ceremony capped a hugely successful season.

The event at a packed Harraby Catholic Club saw awards handed out in the Villa’s 50th year.

Club officials said it had been one of its most successful seasons in and out of the ring.

The season has seen significant successes from some of Villa’s top young boxers.

They include Marc Haughan, who became national senior elite champion and National Association of Boys and Girls Clubs (NABGC) champion in the under-75kg division.

Haughan was rewarded with with Brian Jackson memorial shield as the best overall club boxer.

He was also named best youth/senior overall at the club.

Haughan was joined by Villa’s national youth finalist Jack Lindsay, who was named the club’s most improved youth/senior.

They were among a host of boxers to receive trophies at the annual ceremony.

The club also recognised officials for their work both for the club and across the region.

Club chairman and longest-serving member George Graves has been busy officiating on shows and championships across the region, along with coach Jimmy Brennan, a Class A referee.

A special mention was given to club medical officer Dr Andrew Edgar who is retiring. “Andrew has supported the club for nearly 20 years and will be a big loss,” the club said.

More than 30 boxers registered to box competitively with Villa this year, with the club travelling to more than 60 shows in England and Scotland during the season.

The club also staged two success home shows at the Crown & Mitre Hotel and Halston Hotel.

The club competed in over 120 bouts this season which included representation in all boxing championships.

“With one national finalist at youth level and a senior elite champion it was overall a truly great season,” the club added.

James Maughan, left, and Danny Salisbury, right, receive their trophies from George GravesJames Maughan, left, and Danny Salisbury, right, receive their trophies from George Graves (Image: Carlisle Villa ABC)

“At the presentation, club coaches were commended for their commitment and dedication, while other thanks were given to the family and friends of those associated with the club for their help throughout the year.”

Those who attended the awards night were also updated on further work at the club, with a gym extension now complete.

Awards were presented by George Graves and club secretary Brian Sanderson.


Special achievement awards – Lee Haughan, Jayden Oliver, Len Hodgson, Josh Thomson and Anthony Johnston.

Most promising schools boxer – Harley McNeil.

Best school performance – Ollie Jemilijanovas v Harvey Stewart (North Road Gym).

Most improved schools BOXER – Vinny Forsyth.

Overall best schools boxer – Daniel Salisbury.

Most promising Junior – Callum Lowis.

Best junior performance – Johnpaul Miller v Dempsey Lowe (Timperley).

Most improved junior – Ruby English.

Overall best junior boxer – James Maughan.

Most promising Youth/Senior – Bryce Dean-Norman.

Best Youth/Senior performance – Jack Holden (v Regan Stewart Antonine).

Most improved Youth/Senior – Jack Lindsay (National Youth Finalist).

Overall best Youth/Senior – Marc Haughan (Senior Elite Champion & NABGC Champion).

Best overall club boxer and Brian Jackson memorial shield winner – Marc Haughan.