A man is hiking the length of the Lake District, in an epic 6-day journey, raising funds to care for the Lake District’s fragile landscapes.

Shayan Nejad, began his adventure on Tuesday and will cover 112 kilometres and include over 6,600m of elevation gain.

The hike was planned as a fundraising challenge for the Fix the Fells conservation programme, which protects the Lakeland fells from erosion by repairing and maintaining the upland paths.

In planning the challenge, Shayan asked himself, “What’s the hardest hike that I can do in my area?”

When the Lake District Foundation caught up with the fundraiser on Wednesday – a day into his journey - Shayan said: “I still don’t understand why I’ve done this to myself. But I’m having fun!”

“Day one was probably the most difficult part of the hike. The steep ascent up Skiddaw is just insane and made for a very long day. But I’ve done it, and the remaining 95km should be a breeze!”

Lake District Foundation Fundraising Manager Steve Tokin said: “While Shayan is an adventurous guy, this still presents an enormous challenge, especially given the unpredictable weather this summer.

“We’re so pleased that Shayan decided to take on this incredible hike as a fundraiser for Fix the Fells. If, like Shayan, you love hiking in the fells, please help us to repair and maintain the paths by sponsoring this challenge.”

Fix the Fells is a partnership project supported by the Lake District Foundation, the National Trust, Lake District National Park Authority, Natural England and Friends of the Lake District. It costs around £550,000 a year to run Fix the Fells, which maintains nearly 600km of paths in the upland fells.

Shayan has already raised £300 and anybody wishing to donate can do so via his Just Giving page.