A PENRITH man “lost the plot” and assaulted his partner during drink-fuelled, late night violence caught on camera.

It was accepted that David Robinson, 28, reacted after being hit first by the woman outside an address at Arnisons Court. This occurred just after 1am on 17th July this year.

“What followed thereafter had little justification,” prosecutor George Shelley told Carlisle Magistrates’ Court. “There was a sustained attack. She is punched, grabbed by the throat and thrown to the floor.

“When she got back up to her feet there was no resistance from her.”

The woman called the ambulance service just before 4am, requiring assistance for back pain and disclosing she had been assaulted.

After police were contacted, the woman claimed she had not been attacked although the truth emerged later that day during an appointment.

“She has then made disclosures following a lump and bruising to the side of her face being visible to staff there. She disclosed she had been assaulted that same day,” said Mr Shelley.

“On 23rd July CCTV was discovered and viewed, allowing police to establish the facts of his case which then resulted in an interview following the arrest (of Robinson).

“He said he had little recollection due to his level of intoxication. He was shown the CCTV, accepted he lost control and offered his apologies.”

In court today (fri), Robinson admitted assaulting the woman — who had not made a police statement — causing her actual bodily harm.

At the time of this offence, he was subject to a court-imposed community order for a previous offence.

Duncan Campbell, mitigating, said the relationship was described as being over.

“Drink was involved,” said Mr Campbell. “What actually occurred was some dispute between the two of them. It was the lady who offered the first physical contact. It is not a defence. It is an explanation for what occurred.

“He lost the plot and acted in the manner described. He apologises to her. He wishes the whole thing had never happened.”

Magistrates imposed a 24-week prison sentence which they suspended for 12 months. 

Robinson, of Lea Side, Halton-Lea-Gate, east of Brampton, must complete rehabilitation work and a three-month alcohol treatment order.