A Lake District-based couple has celebrated being in business in Keswick for 15 years. 

Keswick Boot Co., which is located on Station Street, is owned by Alex and Kerry Charlton who opened the outdoor and sporting goods company in July 2009. 

Now the couple are celebrating a decade and a half in business in the heart of the Lake District and after reaching the milestone, Alex was on hand to express his delight.

He said: "We are absolutely thrilled, when we set off we did not expect to be still doing this 15 years down the line.

"We were naive at the time which was probably for the best but we are so thirrled tostill be in business.

"We are really well supported and we are lucky that whilst we get a lot of tourists we also get a lot of locals that support us and that is what makes a massive difference for us."

For Alex and Kerry, being in the business is all about making connections with their customers, and Alex explained how over the 15 years they have been in business in Keswick they have made plenty of new friends. 

He said: "There is never a dull day in retail.

"We have met some absolutely lovely people, 99 per cent of our customers are lovely and we have had a lot of customers that have gone on to become our friends as well.

"It's lovely that people feel comfortable to come into the shop, not even just to buy things but to say hello when they are in Keswick.

"It's been a ride over the years but we have loved every second."

Finally, Alex discussed what it is about Keswick Boot Co. that he believes customers have loved for the decade and a half in business. 

He said: "I think people love that we are a local couple who run a truly independent business and in this day and age our customers go out of their way to support local business whether it be with us or others in town."

"People like us because we are that bit different and offer products that they maybe haven't seen before and we give a bit more of a personal service too."