A MOUNTAIN Rescue team was called out to an injured walker in the Lake District. 

Wasdale MRT was called out to assist a walker who had slipped and injured themselves at Wast Water. 

In a post on social media, Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team wrote: "The team was called by Cumbria Police about a walker who had slipped, sustaining a very painful injury to her ankle. Phonefind located her and her walking partner on the Screes path.

"A full callout was made and access was quickest from the Brackenclose side, also avoiding the tricky boulder fields. Once on scene, the walker was assessed, given pain relief, and the ankle splinted.

"A short stretcher carry was made to the lakeshore and a transfer was made to the awaiting team boat.

"The walkers and team members were then transported to the opposite side of the lake. Transport to the hospital for further assessment and treatment was made using the walkers’ own vehicle. We wish the walker well in her recovery from her injury."