A MAN was found with a charged-up stun gun, disguised as a knuckle duster, after a vehicle was pulled over in Carlisle.

Gary Latimer, 45, came to the attention of police following a routine stoppage in the city on 6th March this year.

“Mr Latimer was searched by two officers,” said prosecutor Jackie Partington as the case against him was outlined at Carlisle Magistrates’ Court.

“A charged stun gun, disguised as a knuckleduster, was found in a jacket pocket. Mr Latimer was interviewed. He confirmed that he was aware it was an offence to have that in his possession.

Latimer initially appeared in court last month and pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing roe illegal stun gun.

At his sentencing hearing today (mon), it emerged he had previous convictions for offensive weapon possession and also drug supply.

Defence lawyer Duncan Campbell, mitigating, noted that a probation service pre-sentence report had been prepared.

“He explained how he came to be in possession (of the stun gun) at that time. “It was a case of his anxiety after house break-ins,” said Mr Campbell.

Latimer, of Clapperton Road, Annan, had intended to keep the device at his home address.

It was charged up, the defendant had conceded, but was unlikely to have ever been used.

“He completely forgot about it being in his jacket. He was stopped in a routine traffic check,” said Mr Campbell.

District judge John Temperley passed sentence after hearing all submissions.

Latimer was made subject to a 12-month community order, and must complete 140 hours of unpaid work.

The judge made a deprivation order which means the seized stun gun will not be returned to the defendant.