A WIFE was bitten on the face by her husband when violence flared after they had been out in Carlisle to watch football.

Marcus Dawson, 47, was told he had committed “serious” offending by a district judge who asked for detailed background information to be prepared before his sentence was passed.

Trouble flared at a city address on the evening of April 7 this year.

“Mr Dawson and his wife returned home after watching football in the centre of Carlisle,” prosecutor Jackie Partington told Carlisle Magistrates’ Court.

Dawson admitted one offence of assaulting his wife, causing actual bodily harm (ABH).

“The ABH is an assault by biting that occurred in the living room, causing injury to (the woman’s) cheek,” said the prosecutor

Three other people present at the address were also the the subject of unlawful conduct by Dawson.

One person was grabbed by the wrists and pulled into a hallway.

A second was also grabbed, causing a scratch to their cheek.

With his fists raised, Dawson then lunged towards a third person who had heard screaming from elsewhere in the property. “Causing them to fear violence,” explained Ms Partington of that third victim.

Dawson, previously of Carlisle, gave his address in court as Baden Powell Street, Barrow.

He also pleaded guilty to three charges of assault by beating and one of common assault. One of these assault by beating counts related to an incident involving his wife on 11th December last year.

Dawson was represented in court by defence solicitor Kate Hunter.

Of the four assaults on April 7 in the house, Ms Hunter stated: “The guilty pleas are entered on the basis that Mr Dawson does not remember the incident. We are accepting the prosecution case.”

District judge John Temperley told Dawson it was a “serious matter”.

A detailed probation service report was needed before the judge could decidewhether Dawson should be sentenced by him or instead at Carlisle Crown Court, where a judge would have tougher powers.

“I’m not ruling that out,” the district judge said of possible committal to the crown court.  “I want to look at the report and hear (mitigation) from your solicitor.”

The case was adjourned and Dawson is due to return to the magistrates’ court on 19 August. In the meantime he has been granted conditional bail.