A FRIZINGTON man has been given a driving ban after police caught him behind the wheel while over the limit for a cocaine breakdown product.

Barry Akiens, 41, who was slightly over twice the legal limit for the substance when police stopped his car in Workington in the early hours of January 20, blamed his offending on a “relapse” after four years of being drug free. 

He was caught on Salterbeck Road in Workington as he drove a Seat car at 12.10am, Carlisle Crown Court heard.

He pleaded guilty to drug driving.

Akiens, of Main Street, Frizington, also admitted that the offence meant he was in breach of a suspended sentence order that was imposed previously for the offence of conspiring to supply the same class A drug.

Legally unpresented in court, the defendant told Judge Michael Fanning: “I’m sorry for that relapse after being clean for four years.”

He said he and his partner had now started running a dog walking business and they had four regular customers. Combined with benefits he also received, his monthly in come was now £912, he said. 

Judge Fanning imposed both a three-year driving ban and a fine of £170 for the drug driving and the same fine again for having no insurance, which Akiens also admitted. The judge set a 14-day jail term in default should the fines not be paid.

There was a further £50 fine for breaching the suspended sentence order, which the judge said he would not activate given that it was almost expired.

A probation officer in court said Akiens had displayed “poor performance” on that order, failing to complete the unpaid work requirements.