A POPULAR wholefoods shop in Brampton is on the search for a new owner to take the reins as the current owners prepare for retirement after a successful 17 years in business

Half Moon Wholefoods owners, Alison Cheetham and Kathleen Ward, have made the announcement as the business enters its 18th year, using the milestone to express their thanks towards their loyal customers, with some regulars having supported the shop since its opening.

Alison, once chair of Brampton & District Business Association, said: “It’s time for us to put the business up for sale and we would really like to find someone who has a care for their customers in the same way we do.

"Before putting the business on the open market we are looking to inform customers of our intention to retire and highlight the sale of the business locally before advertising nationally," she said. 

The building on 14 Front Street. The building on 14 Front Street. (Image: Supplied)

Opened by Alison and Kathleen in 2007, the duo took up the mantle from the previous owners when they were searching for a new challenge after working at Capita following their individual careers — Alison’s in the army and Kathleen’s in HR at the former Cumbria County Council.

The building on 14 Front Street, which dates back to before the 1800s, used to be a public house known as The Half Moon.

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It's been said that in 1745, Bonnie Prince Charlie stayed in Brampton on his way to take Carlisle, with possibly some of his troopers quartered at The Half Moon.

In the early eighties, a co-operative of some 20 people opened Half Moon Wholefoods taking the name from its eighteenth-century predecessor.

Now in its fourth decade, its recent innovations include a refill station for household products and featuring local produce like honey, jams, cheeses, and the most loved 'Truffles of Brampton'.

The duo took over the production of these chocolates in 2010 when the original maker retired, ensuring their continuance in local hearts and mouths.

During Covid, Half Moon became the only shop in Brampton to stock flour and yeast and stepped up to deliver supplies to the more vulnerable locals.

Kathleen and Alison freely admit that their social media presence is not at the forefront of their marketing leaving plenty of scope for anyone with an enterprising nature to be able to increase sales to a wider audience.

"We did do some selling on Amazon but it all became too difficult. We do have a website but I’m afraid neither of us are social media savvy or that good at marketing," Kathleen said. 

Should anyone be interested in Half Moon Wholefoods as a venture feel free to contact Kathleen or Alison for a chat on 016977 3775 or halfmoonwholefoods@btconnect.com.