An independent business in north Cumbria has thanked its customers for all their support as it announces its closure later this year.

Vintage North, based in Brampton, will be closing down towards the end of the year due to financial reasons. 

The shop, which has been open for four years, sells a variety of vintage and antique items.

Sharon Jackson, owner of Vintage North, said: "We opened three months before Covid and although things were going really well and we were doing really well through Covid, unfortunately, once everything quietened down, Brampton quietened down.

"And sadly, it's just not feasible to be there with the price of the rents and the amount of footfall that they're not adding up financially."

There have been many positive memories since opening Vintage North including spending time with local celebrity Teazy the cat, who would wander in and spend the day with Mrs Jackson.

More nationally known celebrities have also stepped foot through the door which has provided many special moments.

But, one of the things that Mrs Jackson has been truly passionate about is playing a role in the community and getting to spend time with local residents, as well as those who pop by on their travels. 

"You've got to be part of the community. We have people that live by themselves that just come in for a chat," she said.

"The older community love to come in and they'll talk about what they see, it brings back memories and that is priceless."


Brampton has left a lasting impression on her and Mrs Jackson can't thank her customers enough for the support they've given her business over the years.

She said: "I can't thank the people of Brampton and my customers enough for everything they've done, for the support I've had over the years.

"It doesn't matter how small it's been. Even the people that have just popped in just to look and it doesn't matter whether they've spent a fiver or £500.

"I'm going to miss everybody and I'm hoping to stay in touch with as many people as possible."

Vintage North will be open on Friday and Saturday 11am-3pm during the summer holidays.

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