A Cumbrian charity will provide suicide alertness training for local hairdressers, beauticians, barbers, and tattooists in September. 

Every Life Matters, a suicide prevention charity, will host the online training session on September 16 from 9am-12.30pm.

They're hoping that with the training, those in the hair and beauty industry will be able to have lifesaving conversations and inspire hope in those who might be struggling.

Sarah Cameron, suicide safe community co-ordinator at Every Life Matters, said: “It is a privilege to be able to train those in the beauty industry who are already having challenging conversations with clients.

"We hope the training makes it easier for them to have side by side conversations and to feel empowered by their position to help others to find practical support and being a safe person to talk to in their local community.”

The training aims to make people feel more comfortable reaching out for help by breaking the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health.

READ MORE: Every Life Matters offers suicide prevention training

Cumbria had a higher number of deaths by suicide per 100,000 than the national average between 2020-2022. 

In England, 10.3 deaths per 100,000 were by suicide whereas this figure sits at 16.3 for Cumbria. Carlisle's figure is 18.6 and Copeland's is 20.6.

Every Life Matters believes those in the beauty industry are well placed to have a positive impact in their communities due to the huge role they play. 

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Jamie, a barber at Mahoney's Barbering in Carlisle, said: “Being in the barber’s chair, people tend to open up a little bit more, it is a safe environment and so easy going that conversations flow.

"What I’ve learned from the suicide prevention training is to notice in conversations where a client might not be doing so well.

"The more people educate themselves we can start to break that stigma around suicide and hopefully, we’ll all be able to help each other out before it gets to a point where there’s no return.”

To find out more, visit the charity's website. 

If you're struggling with thoughts of suicide, you can call the Samaritans for free on 116 123, email them at jo@samaritans.org, or visit samaritans.org to find your nearest branch.