TWO men have admitted being part of a plot to burgle three homes in north Cumbria – including that of a Carlisle jeweller.

During a hearing at the city’s crown court, the two defendants entered guilty pleas to three counts of conspiracy to burgle properties at Hayton, Bothel, and Carlisle, the latter being the Stanwix home of a local jeweller.

The defendants who have admitted their guilty are Ion Baban, 38, of Spring Gardens, Shrewsbury; and Ioam Iovi, 30, of Worchester Road, London.

Both appeared before the court via a video link from the prison where they are being held. The first two charges relate to a conspiracy that took place between May 28 and June 5.

One of those charges involved the Carlisle jeweller, who prosecutors say was followed to his Stanwix home from the city centre by the conspirators.

The second charge relates to a property in Bothel.

The final charge involves a property at Hayton, near Brampton. Each charge involves a conspiracy to steal from the three properties.

Judge Nicholas Barker adjourned sentencing for both defendants, remanding both men in custody. Three other defendants who are accused of the same offences are due to face a trial in mid November.

Both defendants followed the hearing with the help of a Romanian interpreter.