A PENRITH man faces a crown Court trial over six charges arising out of his sexualised online communication with contacts whom prosecutors say he thought were children.

Mark Merrick, 61, denies six allegations.

During a brief hearing at Carlisle Crown Court the defendant formally entered not guilty pleas to the following six allegations:

  • Between June 18, 2023, and June 24, 2023, for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification, attempted to communicate sexually with a female child whom he believed was aged 13.
  • A like offence, allegedly committed between June 25, 2023, and July 21, when he attempted to communicate sexually with a female child he believed was 12 years old.
  • Between June 18, 2023, and June 24, 2024, he attempted to cause a child whom he believed to be aged 13 to watch a sexual act for the purpose of sexual gratification.
  • Between June 25, 2023, and July 21, 2023, a like offence which involved a female child whom he believed was aged 12.
  • Between June 18, 2023, and June 24, 2023, he attempted to cause a child whom he believed was aged 13 to engage in sexual activity.
  • And a like offence, allegedly committed between June 25, 2023, and July 21, 2023, involving a female child whom he believed was aged 12.

Judge Nicholas Barker ruled that the trial, which is expected to last two to three days, will begin on March 26 next year.

The defendant, who gave an address at Culgaith, near Penrith, and who spoke only to confirm his personal details and enter his not guilty pleas, was granted bail with certain conditions, which include having no contact with any child.