A CHARITY conned into hiring agency workers who presented fake qualification certificates to gain work has described being “shocked” by the crime — and says its commitment to vulnerable users remains unwavering.

Carlisle Crown Court heard how Walsingham Support — which has offices in the city and in Workington — was the unwitting victim of fraud.

The illegal activity of one woman Ndinelao Hamwaalwa, came to light after it emerged that an organisation — PHC 100% Ltd — was supplying illegal employees to the charity. Walsingham provides vital support for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs

Between July, 2023, and January this year, Hamwaalwa, 34, used criminal means to secure a £10 an hour post as a support worker.

Hamwaalwa used a fake name and presented falsified training certificates to obtain a position she was not qualified for. In addition, although legitimately present in the UK, she was barred from working in the health sector as she awaited the outcome of an appeal after her claim for asylum was rejected.

Hamwaalwa, no fixed address, was prosecuted and, when brought to court, admitted three offences: one of illegally working when disqualified by immigration status; and two of fraud.

READ MORE: Fake Agency Worker in Court

Judge Michael Fanning imposed an immediate four-month prison sentence.

In a statement, the charity’s chief executive, Holly Spiers, said: “Walsingham Support conducts thorough checks on all agency suppliers. We were shocked to discover that fraudulent documents were used by some agency workers to secure employment with us.

“Our commitment to providing exceptional care and support to the people we serve remains unwavering. We want to assure service users, their families, and the local community that we are working closely with authorities to fully investigate this matter.

“Our aim is to prevent this from happening again and to strengthen safeguards for individuals with learning disabilities and complex needs across the social care sector.”