Big improvements in reading standards have been achieved at a primary school thanks to an education initiative.

Northside Primary School in Workington partnered with the Western Excellence in Learning and Leadership (WELL) project, which aims to raise the standard of education in West Cumbrian schools.

Among Northside Primary's students, 42% have Special Educational Needs, and 62% are eligible for Pupil Premium.

The school sought a more effective way to teach phonics to improve reading levels, and through discussions with other schools at WELL-organised sessions, settled on the Read Write Inc programme.

The school has access to online training resources and videos, and is supported by Read Write Inc’s regional adviser, who comes into the school each term.

Teaching assistant Sophie MorganTeaching assistant Sophie Morgan (Image: Jonathan Becker)

Parents and carers are also offered phonics sessions at a regular Parent Cafe, where free refreshments are served.

And every child now has a book bag - a move to inspire reading at home.

Children have also been engaging in reading sessions with volunteers from Sellafield and other corporate partners once a week.

Headteacher Vicky McDowellHeadteacher Vicky McDowell (Image: Jonathan Becker)

In the 2022-23 academic year, 75% of Pupil Premium students passed their Year 1 Phonics screening check, a significant leap from the previous year’s 22%.

Mandy Hyland, Northside Primary's SENCO and Reading Leader, said: "Read Write Inc has made a massive difference.

Teacher Mandy Hyland with Class 2Teacher Mandy Hyland with Class 2 (Image: Jonathan Becker)

"It’s not only provided us with a phonics scheme that’s well structured, it’s given us the resources and support network we need to make sure we are getting the most out of it."

Headteacher Vicky McDowell said: "Staff are so determined in their delivery of Read Write Inc; there is a tangible feeling of excitement and pride for them to see how much progress their group has made at each assessment point.

“Without the WELL, many of these children would not be at a stage where they can read to people.

"The improvement has been absolutely huge."

WELL is backed by Sellafield Ltd’s Social Impact Multiplied (SiX) programme and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.