Brave Cumbrian Danny Hodgson, who suffered life-changing injuries in an attack that nearly killed him, is suing the Western Australian government.

Former footballer Mr Hodgson is alleging negligence and breach of duty because his attacker was out on bail at the time of the assault in Perth in September 2021.

Mr Hodgson suffered a serious brain injury in the attack and, despite making a courageous recovery, continues to live with his injuries.

The 28-year-old former Carlisle United academy player has told media in Australia that he wants to hold the state government accountable.

"It's time for them [the WA government] to step up and take responsibility for the damage they've caused me," he told 9News Perth.

Mr Hodgson was attacked outside a train station in Perth and spent more than 200 days in hospital during his recovery.

His attacker was sentenced to three-and-a-half years behind bars.

Mr Hodgson has spoken of the serious toll it has taken on himself, partner Jess and his family.

"We've got basically zero income, we're both on Centrelink [the Australian social security payments system] and Jess is my full-time carer, and our full life has been taken away from us," he added.

"We've no [prospect] of me ever working again or even starting a family."

Reports in Perth says lawyers for the state are trying to strike out Mr Hodgson's law suit, claiming there is "no reasonable cause of action".

The Premier of Western Australia, Roger Cook, said: "We need to get a better understanding of what the family are looking for and how they're looking to access those outcomes.

"Obviously we continue to be willing to have those conversations."

Liberal leader Libby Mettam has called on the Labor government to “show some heart” and award Mr Hodgson compensation.

“Roger Cook needs to illustrate some compassion and support Danny Hodgson in his case for compensation," Ms Mettam said in the West Australian.

"It is Roger Cook’s pathetic bail laws that have put Danny Hodgson in the position that he is now in,”

“Roger Cook needs to show some heart and provide Danny Hodgson with the compensation that he deserves.”

Mr Hodgson, from Bigrigg, was a player for football club ECU Joondalup at the time of the attack. He added: "This legal action isn’t just about my own personal situation even though I am facing a life sentence with no prospect of ever working again or realising any of my dreams.

“I don’t want anyone else to have to endure what I am going through, and I am determined to hold the state accountable and fight for change.”