PFCC David Allen is asking the public for their views on the priorities of Cumbria Constabulary and Cumbria Fire through a consultation.

The consultation results will assist with the development of the police, fire, and crime plan for the next four years.

The plan sets out the aims that the constabulary and fire and rescue service will prioritise based on what the public would like to see from their services and will be used by the Commissioner to hold the chief constable and chief fire officer to account.

As well as focussing on the priorities of the Services, the consultation is also asking residents how safe they currently feel in the county and their views on the current service they receive from Police and Fire and Rescue.

Cumbria’s police, fire and crime commissioner, David Allen, said: “As Commissioner, I am responsible for producing a Police, Fire, and Crime Plan that sets out the priorities for Cumbria Police and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service over the next four years.

“I am now developing this Plan and I really want to hear from you. What do you want in the plan? what do you want us to concentrate on? what is important to you in the area where you live and work?

“In my role, I am the voice of Cumbrian residents in respect of policing and fire and I want to know what you think about Cumbria Police and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Services and if you have any concerns or issues.

“By taking part in this survey, you are helping me to develop the priorities and objectives I set out in my new Plan, by which I can then hold the Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service to account.

“I genuinely welcome all views – I want to hear your opinions on the services so that I know what is working well for the public and what can be improved so please do take part.

“As I have highlighted - I am your voice. If any member of the public has a concern about crime in their area, or around the Constabulary or Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, please raise it with me at or call 01768 217734.”