Sustainability focused workshops will teach people how to upcycle and make long-lasting items this summer. 

The Rebuild Site CIC, based in Kingstown, has a whole host of events planned for August that have a green theme. 

On August 8, people can learn how to give new life to loose buttons and other extra materials to make a brooch. 

For those who would like to get to grips with a sewing machine, there will be two workshops going through how to make a scrap draught excluder (August 15) and a hot water bottle cover (August 16).

Upcycling will be the focus again on August 24 as tea towels are given new life as an apron.

Finally, for artistic minded people, a two-hour slate art workshop on August 30 will get the creative juices flowing. 

Most of their classes run on a pay what you want basis. 

Book your space on EventBrite.