The Palestine Solidarity Group Carlisle & District has initiated a petition urging Cumbria’s new MPs to 'halt all UK arms deals with Israel'.

The group has continued their calls in urging a Cumbrian firm,  James Cropper PLC based in Kendal, to withdraw from their contracts which is reported to be producing material for F35 jet planes. 

According to the Campaigns Against Arms Trade (CAAT),  Technical Fibre Products Ltd (TFP), a subsidiary of James Cropper PLC based in Kendal, ‘produce nonwoven solutions for a number of cutting edge military aircraft and vehicles, including the F35.’

The CAAT claims 15 per cent of every F35 that Israel is using to bombard Gaza is made by British industry. 

Croppers has previously been approached for comment. 

Speakers at a recent Kendal public meeting, including Kirsten Bales from the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, emphasised the majority of the UK's trade involves replacement parts for military equipment.

The solidarity group expressed optimism towards the Labour government's decision to reinstate funding to UNWRA, the UN's refugee agency in Palestine, and the call by Keir Starmer for an immediate ceasefire.

The group is set to host a film screening event on August 23 to raise funds for British charity, Medical Aid for Palestinians.

The screened film, Palestine Under Siege, explores the history of Palestine's occupation, through the eyes of Jewish and Palestinian Australians.

It will be shown at the Church of Scotland on Chapel Street at 7pm. 

Weekly vigils outside Carlisle's former House of Fraser will continue on Saturdays at 1pm.