A LAKE District charity has opened a consultation on the proposed closure of its brain injury rehabilitation unit.

The Lake District Calvert Trust announced a proposal to close its 10-bed acquired brain injury rehabilitation unit in Keswick known as Calvert Reconnections. 

The other centres, Calvert Lakes and Calvert Stables, will continue to operate as normal, with some restructuring.  Consultation with employees opened today.   

It has become clear that Calvert Reconnections is not attracting enough clients on a consistent basis to make it financially sustainable, said the charity.

The planned opening and establishment of Calvert Reconnections in 2020 was severely impacted by the pandemic.  

Since it opened, the centre has suffered from volatility in numbers of participant bookings, and, since March 2024 there has been a significant reduction in occupancy, making this proposed action necessary, the charity said.

Since reopening post-pandemic, the trust has been utilising the charity’s reserves to support the new Calvert Reconnections service and re-establish existing services at Calvert Lakes and Calvert Stables. 

Trustees are confident that the proposed new structure of the Lake District Calvert Trust will be financially sustainable and secure its future for years to come.

Chair of the Board of Trustees Martin Mullin said: "In making this difficult decision, the trustees were mindful of the charitable objects of the Trust which are to enable people with any disability, together with their families and friends, to achieve their potential through the challenge of outdoor adventure in the countryside. 

"These changes are being proposed to ensure that the Lake District Calvert Trust operates for many years to come.  Our immediate focus is now on supporting our employees through the process of consultation."

The Lake District Calvert Trust provides services to meet the needs of people with a range of disabilities, including those with most profound disabilities and complex needs.  The proposed closure of Calvert Reconnections and restructure of the remaining organisation is expected to result in short term financial pressure.  The charity will be appealing to its supporters and benefactors during this challenging time.    

To find out more and to donate click HERE or visit www.ldct.org.uk