Carlisle's Green Room Club are set to perform the Legally Blonde musical next year, and are holding open auditions to join the show this month. 

The theatre group confirmed on social media that the musical will run in May 2025, and preparations are already underway to put the show together. 

The fun award-winning musical based on the hugely popular 2001 movie and book by Amanda Brown, follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams of becoming a lawyer.

Rehearsals will be Monday and Thursday evenings in Carlisle, starting in September, with open auditions for the company taking place in the evening Monday August 26 at the theatre, and all aged 17 and over are welcome.

Principal roles will then be cast from the selected ensemble cast with separate auditions later in September.

Individuals wanting to audition are required to bring a short musical theatre song with a backing track.

If you would like to audition or have any questions, then just get in touch with the Legally Blonde directing team by emailing to secure your spot. "