A DAD-of-six was caught drug-driving in Carlisle after passing through a red light during a trip to buy food for his children.

The city’s magistrates’ court heard the mandatory ban being given to Jordan Desoer, aged 32, was likely to cost him his job.

Desoer found himself in the dock after an incident on the evening of April 6.

Prosecutor Jackie Partington outlined the facts to a district judge.

“Officers were behind a vehicle being driven by Mr Desoer,” said Ms Partington.

He was behind the wheel of a Peugeot Partner van at Spencer Street near the city centre.

“They witnessed it contravening a red traffic light. They caused it to stop and they could smell cannabis,” said the prosecutor. “Mr Desoer admitted having smoked cannabis and provided a drug wipe test which gave an indication (for the drug).”

He was arrested, co-operated with police and provided an evidential sample which showed the proportion of a main psychoactive ingredient of the class B controlled substance was above the legal driving limit.

Desoer, of Balfour Road, Carlisle, admitted a drug-driving charge. He did have a criminal record but there were no offences of any relevance and he had not been in court for a decade.

Defence lawyer Jeff Smith said in an address to the district judge that he had explained to Desoer that the court’s “hands are tied” with the imminent punishment. A mandatory minimum driving ban of 12 months would be imposed.

“He needs his licence. He is going to lose his job,” said Mr Smith.

A ban would bring hardship to the family as he would need to get his children to school once the new term started.

He had been on his way to buy food for his children when the offence was committed. “Police stopped him and the rest is history,” said the solicitor, who also provided details of accommodation challenges faced by Desoer and his family in the recent past.

Desoer had been depressed after a number of house moves, and had used cannabis as a result.

District judge John Temperley fined Desoer £250 and ordered him to pay a £100 surcharge and £85 prosecution costs. Desoer was also given a 12-month driving ban.