As part of our Meet the Chef series, we're talking to some of Cumbria's finest about their lives in and out of the kitchen. This week, it's the turn of Hannah Thompson

What is your current role and what does it involve?
I am the chef at the Carlisle Cathedral Café. The role involves creating and preparing dishes for the café and catering for the events held here.

How long have you been a chef?
I’ve been a chef for 11 years.

How did you first get into cooking?
I first got into cooking through my mum and grandma. I’d always help them in the kitchen when I was younger and really enjoyed it.

Where did you learn your craft?
I went to Carlisle College to study catering for three years.

What was your first job in hospitality?
My first hospitality job was working in a sandwich shop.

What is your signature dish?
My signature dish is anything in season, I love working with fresh in-season ingredients.

What are your culinary ambitions?
My culinary ambition is to create bigger and better dishes for customers to enjoy. And make something big of the Cathedral Café.

What do you like to eat?
I like to eat a variety of different foods and cuisines; I love to try new things. Especially seafood.

How do you achieve a work/life balance?
How I achieve work life balance is to learn to switch off, spending time with my friends and family when away from the kitchen.