Carlisle's MP has shared what she hopes to achieve in her first year in office.

Julie Minns, the city's new Labour MP, will aiming to make progress on three key areas in the first year of her five-year tenure. 

These three areas represent a small portion of Ms Minns' vision for the city which includes boosting the local economy as well as ensuring that the rural areas of the constituency are well connected.

She said: "In my first year, I'd like to make progress on Market Hall with the council.

"I'd like us to define and progress towards a devolution deal.

"And, I want to make sure that the minister understands the absolute need for Carlisle to have its [flood] defences finished."

Ms Minns has also spoken about the importance of the role of the Market Hall in revitalising the city centre as well as how vital it is for the flood defences to be completed.