A Penrith teenager has been praised for an act of kindness that has warmed hearts after he took it upon himself to water wilted flowers in a cemetery while visiting his grandmother's grave.

Robbie Felton, 15, accompanying his sister KT, was at the Penrith Cemetery last week as part of their frequent visits to the grave of their beloved nana, Sandra Harrison.

Robbie's mum, Stacy Jackson, said: "We lost my mum in February, it was so sudden and unexpected, it broke our hearts losing her.

"We visit at least a few times a week and try to make sure she has fresh flowers," she said. 

While at the cemetery, Robbie noticed that several flowers were drying out on nearby graves due to the hot weather.

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In response, he decided to water as many as he could before leaving.

"Bless him, he's got such a big heart when it comes to his nana, who he loved so very much," Stacy said. 

Later that night, a social media update posted by a local woman highlighted Robbie's act of kindness, expressing how the sight of him taking time out of his day to water so many flowers 'deeply touched' her.

Responding to the post, Stacy said: "Seeing that post absolutely made my day. What a kind lady she is.

"She even sent me messages saying what a lovely young man Robbie is.

"I'm so proud of him and my mum would be proud as well.

"We worry about how our kids behave when we are not there, and to have that lady say that it melted her heart to see Robbie doing that made me beam with pride.

"We have been through a lot losing my mum, and this brought a smile to my face. I haven't smiled like that in such a long time," Stacy said.