DEPUTY lieutenant Gerard Richardson is encouraging more people to take up volunteering.

For almost three decades Mr Richardson has taken on multiple volunteering roles alongside running his town centre business in Whitehaven. 

He says that this helps people to live a more 'fulfilling' life and also can help to better the community. 

Mr Richardson said: "I would love to put a call out to anyone who has any spare time to please volunteer. 

"There are charity groups and various rescue groups such as search and rescue teams, mountain rescue organisations, charities running shops, fundraising activities, there's all sorts. Volunteering can give you a completely different outlook on life. 

"I've had all sorts of incredible experiences and it's all been done through volunteering. 

"I would say to anyone, even if you're fully invested in your job and you're happy there you can still expand your horizons so much by looking on a tangent and perhaps doing something completely different and outside of your comfort zone.  

"You can do these things as a volunteer without the need for any qualifications. I think it can have a positive impact on your workplace. 

"When you open your mind to new possibilities it can help in your workplace environment. 

READ MORE: A first hand look inside a Whitehaven business at Christmas

"I think people who do that and put themselves out there and offer to help the community will have far more fulfilled lives. 

"Please look and the various groups and the opportunities that they offer, there's always something you can do."

The role of the Deputy Lieutenants is varied and they act as the Lord-Lieutenant's 'eyes and ears' within local communities and advise them more generally. There are up to 37 in Cumbria.