A paramedic from Cumbria is gearing up to cycle to every ambulance station in the county in memory of his late son, Levi. 

Joseph Hill and his family's life was turned upside down in March this year when their son Levi died suddenly at 32 weeks and was stillborn just days later. 

Resolute to transform his grief into a positive force, Joseph, who lives in Cockermouth, launched the cycling challenge named Levi’s Loop.

“It was quite early on after losing Levi that I decided to do something like this, it was a conscious decision to try and pull something positive out of the deepest part of grief," he said. 

Levi's Loop involves riding to every ambulance station in Cumbria, reaching the top of Hardknott Pass and Great Dun Fell, and passing by Rannerdale Knots, all within 24 hours.

The entire route measures over 280 miles with an ascent of over 5,000m.

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Utilising the challenge as an opportunity to garner support for two charities close to home, Joseph is fundraising for Team Evie and The Ambulance Staff Charity (TASC).

Joseph said Team Evie, the West Cumbrian charity which provides support to families and sick children, "gave us a lifeline during our darkest days". 

For the father-of-two, heartfelt experience is not the only reason to support such organisations.

As a paramedic, he has seen how mental health struggles can affect individuals, especially among his colleagues who regularly face traumatic situations.

"I hope to use my situation to encourage conversation and peer support amongst my colleagues and relieve some of the stigma of admitting you’re struggling.

"This is why I am also raising money for the Ambulance Staff Charity (TASC) - which provides a range of mental, physical, and financial services to support the well-being of the UK’s ambulance staff," he said.

Joseph's route mapped outJoseph's route mapped out (Image: Supplied)

Joseph hopes that Levi's Loop will become more than just a personal memorial.

"The challenge was more personal, the fundraising was a part of it, but the goal was to try to create a memorial for Levi that others might want to do for a charity close to their hearts - a bit like the Bob Graham round. 

"In years to come, we may decide to ride it as a family when my girls are a bit older," he said. 

So far, ahead of the challenge in 2025, Joseph has already raised over £1,200. 

To donate to the ongoing fundraiser, you can visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/levis-loop