CALLS are being made for traffic calming measures to be put in place as house building gets under way next to a busy road.

John Swift Homes Ltd has started the construction of 23 new houses on land at Harras Moor in Whitehaven after being given the green light by Cumberland Council.

Residents living at Harras Moor have raised concerns over road safety and are calling for measures to be put in place to tackle speeding drivers.

Ken Heddle, who lives at Burton High Close, has written to Cumberland Council, urging officers to take action against speeding traffic.

He believes a condition for the placement of chicanes to slow traffic should be imposed now rather than when the first house on the development is occupied.

Mr Heddle says visibility splays opened up by the developer have made the road ‘more dangerous than ever before’ because speeding drivers can now see if the road is clear ahead.

In an email to council officers, Mr Heddle said: “I am witnessing huge road safety issues on Harras Road with the increased speeding traffic.

“Harras Road has a significant history of speeding vehicles, as you are aware. And, that was without the visibility splays opening up the road ahead but now, the developer has created a dream of a view for anyone driving above the speed limit as they can now see any or no oncoming vehicles.”

Mr Heddle said this had ‘created a race track’  and ‘added increased dangers’.

He said: “Beforehand, some reasonable consideration for public safety had been a requirement prior to construction, not a suggestion, an agreed plan to support innocent road users and pedestrians in the area. Now, the potential for injury or worse has been heightened considerably.

 “I must ask that this decision concerning the road safety measures, as per your original conditions, be re-visited, re-considered and re-instated at the earliest opportunity as the feared road traffic incidents on Harras Road are almost certainly about to become a reality.”

Joseph Ghayouba, who represents Bransty on Cumberland Council, said: “I share the concerns with residents regarding the traffic calming measures not being in place yet and I am working with the planning team to make sure residents are kept informed with developments and what is expected of the developer regarding deadlines to install the traffic measures and other planning conditions."

A Cumberland spokesperson said: "The Council is monitoring the works that are underway on this housing site. The creation of an entrance onto the site was subject to a planning condition which has now been discharged following consultation with the Highways Team. This was imposed to ensure that vehicles entering and leaving the development site had adequate visibility.

"There is a requirement for traffic calming measures to be installed on Harras Road as part of this development. The details of these measures have been submitted to the Council and will be subject to agreement by the Highways Team under a separate Section 278 Agreement.

"The condition that was imposed on the planning permission requires the traffic calming measures to be constructed and completed prior to the occupation of the first dwelling on the site.

"The traffic calming measures are designed to reduce traffic speeds along this section of Harras Road. "