A model of the Midland Railway Station Master's house is now open to the public at Appleby Station.

The scaled model was previously at Highland Hospice in Inverness, where it was crafted by a patient during lockdown.

The model, built by Ian Howker who was receiving end-of-life care at the hospice, has now found a home at Appleby Station, right in time for the school holidays.

Howker decided to turn his passion for railway modelling into a project when dealing with his illness.

The model was raffled off, raising £400 for the Highland Hospice.

The raffle winner then donated the model back to the charity.

Highland Hospice went on to gift the model to the Settle Carlisle Railway Development Company.

Now, it stands as a beacon of one man's determination and love for railway modelling, attracting visitors to Appleby Railway Station.

Before his passing, Ian Howker wrote a letter explaining the inspiration behind his beloved project.

He wrote that he didn't think he built it because of the Covid lockdown but it helped him keep sane and keep his attention focused.

He worked approximately 30 hours every week for six months, amounting to over 700 hours of painstaking work.

His letter also detailed the origin of his idea.

He wrote: "The idea for building the House I suppose, was as a result of railway modelling.

"I bought and built a ‘Metcalf’ card model of the house which is only a few inches square but appropriate of course for the model railway."

He later expressed his disappointment with the lack of detail he could add at the small scale, inspiring him to seek out larger scales typically associated with doll houses.

Howker based his model on the Station Master's House on the Midland Railway’s Settle to Carlisle Railway line.

The original house was built using limestone at Dent Head.

He reproduced every detail, even using a tiny drawing of the original architect's design.

Pete Myers, chair of the Settle Carlisle Railway Development Company, said that he was delighted to receive the model from the hospice.

He said: "It is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, and really captures the Station Master’s House.

"It is becoming a visitor attraction at Appleby Station, and we are so pleased we can share this great piece of railway modelling with our passengers and visitors to Appleby."

The model is currently on display at the ticket office at Appleby Station.