LISTED building consent has been approved to convert a 'clock house' at Armathwaite Manor into two holiday apartments.

The application was put forward to Westmorland and Furness Council by SRE Associates on behalf of PPM Ltd on June 16, 2023. 

The new developments at the Grade II site will create two one-bedroom apartments, subject to further planning permissions. 

As well as bringing on one part-time staff member,  the design and access statement reads: "The proposed works will bring about a use which will see increased tourism to the area therefore benefitting local services such as pubs and shops.

“The change of use brought about by the proposed conversion will achieve a viable use of the property thereby safeguarding its future.

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“The clock house is sufficiently detached from the listed buildings as to cause no harm to its character and appearance as a result of the proposed work.

“The proposals constitute ‘less than substantial’ harm to the property and we have detailed how the proposal offers public benefit," it reads.

Ainstable Parish Council welcomed the changes, openly supporting the growth of local business and further developments on the manor estate.

The development cannot proceed however without planning permission.

Upon the decision notice for listed building consent on July 30, Westmorland & Furness' Planning Authority states: "The proposed conversion of the building to form two holiday apartments requires a separate grant of planning permission. 

"This application is subject to a legal agreement.

"Therefore, whilst this application seeks the grant of Listed Building consent for the associated conversion works, without planning permission the development cannot proceed.

"Therefore, works shall not commence until planning permission is granted," it reads.