A MARYPORT property can have a replacement shopfront, which would be more in keeping with the conservation area, after Cumberland Council planners approved planning permission for the proposal.

The application was for a site in Senhouse Street and planning approval has been granted subject to a number of conditions.

A decision report states the application property is a three-storey property within both Maryport town centre and within the Maryport Conservation Area.

It adds: "The premises is a commercial building and the ground floor is currently un-occupied.

"The proposal seeks to alter the shop frontage, this will be recessed back into the premises. Along with timber windows to the replacement frontage."

The report states that, given the materials and alterations proposed, the proposal is considered to be in line with the Maryport Shopfront Design Guide January 2021.

It adds: "The proposal seeks to ensure the removal of a non-traditional shopfront, replacing it with a shopfront which is traditional in terms of both its design and materials, supporting the on-going Historic England's Maryport High Street Heritage Action Zone regeneration programme (2020-2024)."

According to the report council officers consider that the proposal would be an improvement to the existing arrangements and therefore considered not to impact upon the character and appearance of the Maryport Conservation Area.

The report concludes: "The proposal is considered acceptable, complying with both local and national planning policies and is in line with the design guide for Maryport and former grant schemes within the town centre.

"The proposal will support the future use of the property which in turn supports the vitality of the town centre. It is therefore recommended that the application is approved."

According to a heritage statement the property sits in a mid-terrace location and sits between two existing premises which have recently had their shop fronts replaced as part of grant funding from the local planning authority as part of the high street grants.

The report states: "The works see the replacement of the current shop front with a new traditional design and will see the removal of the aluminium and doors and re-instatement of the original shop front taken from historic photographs.

"These include radiused heads to the upper glazed area and recessing the doorway into the shop.

"The design is traditional and in keeping with the historic setting of Senhouse Street and replicates the original design. Glazing to the basement area is removed and replaced with stall risers and a more robust solution to this elevation.

"The pilasters, facias and cornice will be subject to localised repairs prior to re-decoration.

"In summary the replacement design is in keeping with the original design and aligns with the shop front design guide for Maryport town centre."