PLANS have been approved to turn former student accommodation into a hotel near Penrith. 

The dormitories, within the Newton Rigg Estate, were last used to house students of the now-dissolved Newton Rigg College.

The buildings - Bessey, Bessy Annex, Herdman, and Capstick - are now able to be transformed into a mix of serviced rooms and apartments.

The college, which was run by Askham Bryan College, closed its doors following a determination that it was no longer financially viable, leading to the loss of 117 jobs.

Previously, the four buildings, which were constructed in the 60s and 70s and used to accommodate the college’s agriculture students, offered 77 bedrooms.

The refurbishments aim to provide 50 serviced rooms and apartments, equating to a total of 57 bedrooms.

The original proposal also outlined the site would take on seven full-time employees. 

According to a design and access statement, the accommodation would offer flexible use, catering to the needs of a wide range of users.

"It could be particularly beneficial to apprentices and other visitors attending the new Viberoptix Academy which provides skills training and career opportunities in the fast-growing gigabit fibreoptic business sector," it reads. 

The application for these renovations was submitted in September on behalf of Leo Sawrij Limited.

Planning permission was approved on August 8. 

The approval mandates the submission of a hotel management plan within three months of permission, ensuring it details house rules, general hotel management, measures to avoid or minimise noise impact. 

The conditions also state the accommodation must not be utilised as a permanent residence by any individual or group.

The site is also restricted from being used as an overnight parking area for any heavy goods vehicle exceeding a 'gross combination mass of 3500kg'.

Newton Rigg Ltd, the educational charity established in the wake of the closure of the campus near Penrith, has also recently entered voluntary liquidation.