A CARLISLE man stopped and searched had a police-style baton and two knuckle duster rings in his possession.

Having these items in a public place amounted to a criminal offence which saw 54-year-old Mark Worby brought before the city magistrates’ court.

Worby found himself in hot water after an incident on January 7 this year.

Giving details, prosecutor George Shelley said Worby was driving a vehicle on London Road when he was stopped by police.

A search was carried out by officers exercising Misuse of Drugs Act legislation.

No drugs of any sort were found. Mr Shelley said: “However, he was found to be in possession of a police-style baton and two knuckle duster-style rings. Mr Worby made full admissions in interview.”

He followed those up, during an initial court appearance on July 29, with guilty pleas to two offences of possessing offensive weapons in public, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

Worby’s case was adjourned for the preparation of a probation service pre-sentence report, and he was handed his punishment today (Monday).

A probation officer told the court: “What Mr Worby told me about the offences is that he was walking his dog.”

He found the baton and rings in an alleyway next to a Carlisle hostel.

“He put them in his car. That’s where the police found them,” said the officer.

Worby, of Newcastle Street, hadn’t been in trouble since 1987. He was suffering from health problems and awaiting an operation to remove a disc from his spine.

A district judge made Worby subject to a 12-week community order which includes a night time curfew.