PLANS for a number of signs at a Carlisle theatre and club have been approved by Cumberland Council.

The application was for a site Carlisle Green Room and West Walls Theatre, in West Walls, and the planning permission, which was granted on Monday (August 12), will allow three fascia signs, one projecting sign and a timber notice panel.

The decision report concludes: "In overall terms, the scale and design of the replacement signage would be appropriate to the building and would enhance the character of the listed building and its setting within the conservation area."

(Image: West Walls Theatre/Green Room)

According to the application all would be non-illuminated and would replace existing signage on the building's exterior.

The application requested a five-year advertisement period between June this year and June 2029.

According to a heritage statement the property is a Grade I Listed building which is located within the Carlisle City Conservation Area and the list description reads: “City wall, mews stables, warehouses and school; now theatre, public house, amusement arcade and disco."

The report states that the area is an early C12th Century city wall, an 1813 school, late 19th Century mews and 1980s public house.

The report adds: "These later buildings in themselves are not of interest but are listed to protect the city wall behind them.

"The front wall of each building on the West Walls facade being built on top of the west city walls.

"Robert Smirke suggested that buildings could be built against the walls when he advised on the building of the Central School."

(Image: West Walls Theatre/Green Room)

The report states that the city wall exists behind these buildings and this was confirmed by work done by the Carlisle Archaeological Unit in recording the structure when Legends and Big Softies were extended in 1985.

It adds: "For the through-archway and chamber behind the wall, thought to be the sewerage outlet for Blackfriars Convent, now within the Green Room Theatre."

According to the report this stretch of city walls does not form part of the scheduled ancient monument of the remaining exposed West Walls but is a continuation of it.