A small cake shed just outside of Carlisle is poised for expansion now that plans have been approved for a farm shop on the site. 

Emily Tinning has been running Em's Cakes and Bakes from Newtown Farm in Blackford since May on an honesty box system.

Emily's venture, which opens every weekend, is getting 'increasingly busier'.

"I have always had a love for baking," Emily said. "One of my first jobs was working at a tea room at Hutton in the Forest when I was only 16." 

Taking the full-time plunge into baking after maternity leave last year, Emily said: "I came across the idea of a cake shed online and just knew instantly I wanted to do it.

"I thought it was a great opportunity to do before we get the farm shop up and running," she said. 

Less than two weeks later, Em's Cake Shed was up and running.  

"The cake shed has been so well received, better than I could ever imagine," she said. 

"I am so grateful for every person who comes to visit the shed each weekend. I’ve had so many comments and messages from people saying how much they like the idea and love my cakes."

Em's Cakes and Bakes opens every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 9pm.

Emily shared excitement for the expansion of her farm after Cumberland Council planners approved intentions for a farm shop on the site this week.

"To be able to have a shop selling homemade cakes and local produce has always been a dream of my husband and I so we can’t wait to get going with the farm shop", she said.

"We think it is a great location to do it and will hopefully attract a lot of people."

The shop will have a milk vending machine to supply fresh milk and milkshakes from their own dairy cows.

Other items such as locally produced bread and locally sourced vegetables will also be stocked in the shop building upon the popular sweet treats offering. 

You can follow Em's Cakes and Bakes on Facebook.