HOPES are high that a new commercial vehicle dealership will open its doors in Carlisle early next year.

This week planning permission was granted for a number of Ford signs at a site on the Rosehill Industrial Estate, off Park Road, and work is currently underway on a new building there.

A Ford spokesman this week confirmed that it would be an outlet for commercial vehicles and it was hoped to be open for business during the first quarter of 2025.

According to the planning application it is on land to the east of Borderway Mart, with the M6 adjacent to it, and the planning permission was for both fascia and totem signs.

And, according to the decision notice, planning permission for the signs was granted on Tuesday (August 13) subject to conditions.

(Image: Applicant/planning portal)

A separate report concludes: "Whilst the proposal would be visible, the size, design and siting of the new signage is appropriate to the premises and would be seen in the context of existing signage within the immediate vicinity.

"Accordingly, the proposed signage would not appear overly obtrusive, incongruous or result in a discordant feature within its immediate surroundings. Furthermore, the proposal would not raise any issue in terms of public safety."

An aerial shot of the siteAn aerial shot of the site (Image: Applicant/planning portal)

In a response from the highways department Abbigail Lyons, the assistant development management officer, said: "Cumberland Council as the local highway authority (LHA) and lead local flood authority (LLFA) has reviewed the above planning reference and I can confirm that we have no objection to the proposed development as it is considered that it will not have a material effect on existing highway conditions nor will it increase the flood risk on the site or elsewhere."