A 17-year-old Cumbrian entrepreneur has launched her latest business venture following the success of her car valeting company.

Lucy-Rose, from Longtown, has begun her latest venture, a commercial vehicle detailing service called 'Only Vans'.

As part of this service, Lucy plans to give a new lease of life to all sorts of commercial vehicles such as work vans, diggers, dumpers, wagons, taxis, wedding cars, and tractors.

This new service also follows the success of her original company LRose Valeting, which she started when she was 16 and valets around 15 vehicles a week and will now run as a car-only service. 

After launching 'Only Vans', Lucy-Rose was on hand to explain more about her latest venture.

She said: "This is a completely different service so I thought I would set up a different business.

"It has brought a new target market such as work vehicles and stuff. 

"This past few weeks have been a bit of a drag, if I am honest, because whilst you are trying to set up new businesses you are battling with your day-to-day life.

"I also battle my mental health but I always try to get the message across about turning all of that into a power that you can use, instead of letting it eat away at you.

"When I initially set up the new business, which was around three days, I sat and designed the new logo as I also own a design business now - Divine Designs."

For Lucy, alongside her love for all things entrepreneurial is a drive to inspire locals and prove to them that a small idea can turn into a commercial success.

She said: "I want to inspire young people and even adults who think they have left it too far down the line.

"I think you can start whenever you want and I think I just want to get across to people my age that instead of being told that they can't do something and accepting that, just try it anyway.

"There were people who said to me that my businesses wouldn't work and would be a car crash but I did it anyway.

"I think the thing about me is that I could make a business out of anything and I am planning to unleash 10 more over the next 10 years."

Lucy was also keen to say that as part of her new venture Lucy also planning on offering jobs to local youngsters who may be struggling to find a pathway into a workplace environment.