OUTLINE planning permission is being sought to build a residential development at the north of Penrith.

Atkinson Builders Ltd has applied for outline planning permission to Westmorland and Furness Council to convert a field north of Raiselands Farm into a residential development.

The permission aims to incorporate the scheme into the approved development by Persimmon Homes, as the firm continues to build 229 homes at the adjacent site.

The proposed 2.7 hectares site is currently vacant agricultural land and is categorised as ‘allocated housing land’.

Plans for the site were originally submitted back in 2017 to the former Eden District Council.

The amount of homes has not been disclosed within the outline application. 

The initial proposal indicates the site would be accessed through the A6 entrance, linking through the already approved Persimmon development.

“The proposed housing mix will be submitted at reserved matters stage but current proposals are a mixture of; 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses and 2-bedroom bungalows for affordable rent, shared ownership sale and open market sale,” the planning statement reads.

The development design also incorporates public open space to allow for recreational playing.

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“This application seeks outline planning approval for residential use on allocated housing land hence the principle of the development is acceptable for this site,” the report states.

“Further information and detail will be conditioned and will follow with the reserved matters application.

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“The mix of residential dwellings will be in line with local demand and the design of such dwellings meet enhanced accessibility and adaptability standards providing future-proofing of dwellings.

“This proposal includes a range of much-needed affordable and sustainable homes to suit all needs and should be fully supported.”

Further detailing will follow with the reserved matters application.

Public consultation on the proposed plans will run until September 15 and can be accessed by visiting the Westmorland & Furness planning pages, using reference: 17/0375.