AN EGREMONT man has been jailed after he was caught on camera breaching a court order that bans him from contacting a local woman.

Kai Nolan, 36, pleaded guilty to committing the offence, accepting that he visited the woman’s home on a street in Egremont on August 20, defying a court order that was imposed last year to keep him away from her.

When he illegally went to the cul-de-sac where she lives, the woman was not at home.

But the entire visit was captured on CCTV, and then watched by the woman after her home security system triggered an alert on her phone. Defence lawyer John Smith said it was accepted that Nolan was not in any way aggressive.

There was no damage caused.

He was simply present on a street from which he is banned under the terms of the court order, said the lawyer.

Read more: Egremont drug-driver caught on Christmas Eve banned for 40 months

Explaining why Nolan committed the offence, Mr Smith said he had gone to the woman's property because he wanted to collect "some of his insulin".

District Judge John Temperley said the offence was aggravated by Nolan's criminal record.

This consists of 43 previous crimes, including nine offences against the person and two previous breaches of the same court order. Nolan's most recent conviction was for drug driving in June.

On May 7, the defendant, of Sherwens Terrace, Egremont, was given six months jail for the second of those breaches. His latest offence led to him being recalled to jail to serve and extra 28 days of that prison term.

Judge Temperley imposed 12 weeks jail, with costs of £85 and a £154 victim surcharge. At the time of appearing before Carlisle’s Rickergate court, Nolan had been recalled to serve a further 28 days of his earlier sentence.