A PLANNING appeal has been submitted to the Secretary of State over refused plans to erect a shipping container in a property's garden in Carlisle

The proposal involved placing a shipping container, 6m long, 2.4m wide, and 2.6m high, at a home on Rosehill Drive. 

Despite the applicant's propositions to clad the container, the planning authority felt it insufficient when it comes to the street's character. 

The intended location was also an end-of-terrace, corner plot property, causing concern for its visibility, despite the applicant's proposal for a raised fence. 

Among the reasons for refusing the application on April 19, the decision notice states: "The proposal would, by virtue of its siting, design, and materials, be alien to and fail to maintain the established character of street scene." 

The appeal's decision is anticipated to be reached following an exchange of written statements by both parties involved and an on-site investigation by an inspector.