KESWICK Agricultural Show organisers had to make the heart breaking decision on Saturday morning (August 24) to cancel the event on Bank Holiday Monday August 26 due to floods, high winds and recent heavy rainfall.

Preparation for the the popular annual event was thwarted by incessant rainfall over the last few days with parts of Keswick placed on a 'Flood Warning' footing. 

The Show's Barrow Fell Race from the Showground is still scheduled to take place at 2pm on Monday. (August 26)

The Keswick Show Committee posted the following statement: "It is with sincere regret and sadness that we have had to make the difficult decision to CANCEL this year’s show.

"We have explored every possible option to continue but sadly the weather has been extremely unkind to us.

"We have a responsibility to our generous landowners who allow us the use of the field and to our Traders whom we would not be able to guarantee the safety of their vehicles or property.

"Our free car parking field is waterlogged, the marquees blew down and we got them put back up but sadly we are beaten with more rain to come."

"Section Secretaries will be in touch over the next 24 hours with all Exhibitors and Traders regarding choice of refund or holding over until 2025."

."As a committee we are devastated as so much hard work and preparation goes into producing the Show.

"We are not beaten; we will step up and work towards a Great Show for 2025.

Keswick Campsite is the only Flood Warning in England today with more rainfall expected tomorrow Sunday August 25