A 10-year-old boy is on the cusp of setting a record for conquering all 214 Wainwrights in the fastest time for a child of primary school age.

Diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD, and hyperactivity at seven, Leo Mason has defied the odds by turning his condition into a driving force for an active and adventurous lifestyle.

With 15 Wainwrights left to conquer, Leo has his sights set on Lingmoor Fell on Sunday (September 1) bringing his Lake District fell challenge to a close after only 90 days. 

Leo's dad, Michael, said: “We’ve researched and talked to a lot of people, it’s not an official record but there’s no record out there.

"No one else has done it at Leo’s age this quick.

Leo on Brown Band, Great EndLeo on Brown Band, Great End (Image: Supplied)

"There’s been the youngest person to complete it, there’s been the fastest time ever, but there has been no one of primary school age to do it this quickly," he said. 

This marks the second time the Mason family, who live in Frizington, have taken on the Wainwrights, a challenge that has seen Leo and his dad traverse rugged terrains, scramble up steep inclines, and navigate the unpredictable weather of the Lake District.

“This round, it’s been bigger, harder, more challenging, and even more technical climbs. I think that’s what has made it more impressive. 

"It’s been a different beast and to do in the time we have has been amazing. It has built Leo's confidence in what his abilities are," Michael said. 

Leo and his father Michael on the summit of GlaramaraLeo and his father Michael on the summit of Glaramara (Image: Supplied)

With a genuine love of the outdoors, Leo has also found that his involuntary tics have significantly reduced and he sleeps better since opting for an exercise-driven approach to the condition. 

Leo's family took it upon themselves to find a natural approach after they were offered 'sedative' medication for their son. 

"When we don’t go out for a few days, you can see Leo’s tics more. I explain it like winding up a toy - if you burn Leo’s energy off, the tics calm down. If you don’t, you notice it becoming stronger," Michael said. 

Climbing up Pinnacle Ridge, on St Sunday CragClimbing up Pinnacle Ridge, on St Sunday Crag (Image: Supplied)

Throughout the journey, the family has been raising awareness of the great outdoors for those with Tourette's syndrome under the banner Tickinemoff, a Facebook page that now has amassed over 4,000 followers

Leo, who dreams of becoming a professional climber, also made national headlines when his family transformed their home into a climbing wall to help him train.


Looking ahead, Leo and his father have even bigger goals.

After completing the Wainwrights, they aim to fulfill their dream of hiking to Everest Base Camp. So far, they have raised £1,790 towards their goal, with five businesses sponsoring their journey.

To donate to the ongoing fundraiser, you can visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-leo-get-to-everest-base-camp