KIND-hearted villagers who pulled together to help two families affected by a devastating fire have been praised for their generosity and community spirit.

Michelle and David Ancell, who live above the Budgens store which they run on Main Street in Gosforth, lost everything when a fire broke out in the building last Thursday.

Mr and Mrs Ancell spoke out last week about how they and their four children and two young foster children had escaped safely with only the clothes they were wearing but their parrot, Alfie, and one of their cats, Maurice, perished in the fire.

Peter Tyler and Marieke Van Bussel, a GP at the Seascale Surgery, who live in the adjoining property, have also been left devastated by the blaze and have lost about 75 per cent of their belongings.

One part of their home has been completely destroyed and the rest of the building has been damaged by smoke and water.

Cumbria Fire and RescueCumbria Fire and Rescue (Image: Cumbria Fire and Rescue)

Dr Van Bussel, who has lived in Gosforth for 12 years, said: “Everything is thrown up in the air. It’s been really devastating. My daughter is going to university and has lost every bit of her childhood stuff. That’s something she’s struggling with.

“We were all indoors, just going to work, when we heard the fire engines and had to get out. Someone knocked on our door. We were all fortunate to be out and our cats were alright.”

Dr Van Bussel said the community support had really helped her and her family.

She said: “What was really heart-warming was that the community rallied together. We were immediately offered a place to stay by one of my patients.

Marieke Van Bussel and Peter Tyson have been left devastated by the fire which has destroyed their home and most of their belongingsMarieke Van Bussel and Peter Tyson have been left devastated by the fire which has destroyed their home and most of their belongings (Image: Family handout)

“We had food and clean clothes. The bakery next door took us in from the start. The community feel and people constantly asking if we need anything, has really helped us.”

Mrs Ancell added: “We are thankful and overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity shown by our community in our time of need.”

A plea for donations of clothing and other goods was made on social media in the aftermath of the blaze and St Mary’s Church in Gosforth become ‘overwhelmed’ with donations. A JustGiving page set up to help the families rebuild their lives has also topped £19,500.

The Ancell family lost their Gosforth business and family home in the devastating fire (Image: Family handout)

Rev Philip Dorling, of St Mary’s Church in Gosforth, said: “The church was overwhelmed with things. The community has responded wonderfully. I went to see the family the other day and they were overwhelmed by the response of the community.”

Norma Hughes, churchwarden at St Mary’s, said: “It was the parish council who instigated the collecting. They asked if they could use the church as a collecting point.

“It was a fantastic response to that – bags and bags of clothes and toys came in. I think the family were very grateful for that. In the end, we had to say, we’ve got plenty now!

“A lot of the older people in the village will very much miss the shop. There are church members who are happy to take people shopping if they need to.

“I think there’s been a very good response from the village. Everyone was very shocked. It’s the sort of thing you think will never happen in your village.”

The devastation left by the fire in Gosforth which destroyed the village store and two family homesThe devastation left by the fire in Gosforth which destroyed the village store and two family homes (Image: Family handout)

Jacqueline Williams, Gosforth Parish Council clerk, said: “From a personal point of view, I think people were amazing. We had to stop collecting donations because there was just an enormous response from the community.

“It was really gratifying to see how everybody was moved to donate things and set up collections. It was a fantastic community response.”

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service were in Gosforth on Friday to offer support and reassurance to the community.

Green Watch, joined by Cumbria Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner David Allen, chatted with residents about fire safety, escape plans and fitted smoke alarms for residents who needed them.

If any Gosforth residents – or any members of the community – would like to complete an online home safety check, visit: