A MOTORIST who was stopped by the police on Carlisle’s London Road was almost three times the drink drive limit. 

Jerzy Kolkowsky, 38, committed the offence on July 28, when a police test confirmed that he had 99mcg of alcohol in every 100mls of breath, the city's Rickergate court heard. 

The legal limit for driving is 35mcg.

At the time, the court heard, he was driving a Saab Vector Sport. The defendant pleaded guilty to the offence. 

After hearing the details, magistrates imposed a one-year community order which will include up to five rehabilitation activity days with the Probation Service and 100 hours of unpaid work in the community.

Kolkowsky was banned for two years, though magistrates offered him the drink driving rehabilitation course, which if completed by a deadline will reduce the length of his ban by 24 weeks. 

He must pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge. Magistrates said the sentence took into account the defendant's guilty plea.